Sunday, December 25, 2011

Roers Family Xmas

We had a excellent Roers Family Xmas!


  • Lisa, Shane, Parker, and Tanner were able to make it from Dickinson(even though she was less than a week from due date)

  • Lobster and Crab!!

  • Trolley Ride with lots of Xmas Lights

  • PJS-- including Adult Footie PJS

  • Carter got his 1st pair of Hockey Skates
Reading the new picture books

Carter rockin out

Playing with the new toys

Xmas Performances

Paulus Family on Trolley

Mason and Kate

grandma and mason

Grandpa and the boys

Mason on the Trolley

Grand Child Pic

Hockey! Hockey! Hockey!

I took Carter and Parker to Kenny's hockey game...and boy did they love it!

They spent time cheering for Kenny and Joey's Team.... The Thumpers! Joey scored a goal and the boys were so proud.

Here are some pictures below:

Friday, December 23, 2011

What a difference a year makes...

Would these boys stop growing so fast!!

2010 Santa Trip

2011 Santa Trip

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bison Rule!

This year has been AWESOME for the bison!

Tonight we took Mason to his first full game.... pic below!

Next week Semi Finals!


Boys got to check out dad's helicopter.....

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Turkey Day!!

We had a wonderful thanksgiving weekend!

Thursday am: breakfast at our house! kenny made Kenny McMuffins! Kiddos played hockey
Thursday afternoon: Thanksgiving lunch and pilgrim fun over at Shannon and Ross's house
Friday: Shopping, shopping, and more shopping!!
Sat: Sioux Game in Grand Forks

Pics below!

The crazy pilgrims
Mace the Pilgrim
Paulus Boys
Dress up!!
mason in the fashion show
Carter played the music for the show
Beautiful weather!!
Grandpa and Mason
hockey time!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Little Mason...not so little anymore.

Our little mason has transitioned to the Toddler room.

Where has the time gone???? His first day went great.

The biggest change has been that he has given up his Paci(cold turkey...not even at bedtime) and did a great job!

His Big Brother has had a harder time. We let Carter use a paci at bedtime only and when we decided that Mason was adjusting just fine w/out a paci...we decided to get rid of all paci's. Carter had a VERY rough few nights...but we are doing just fine now. So the paulus house is Paci Free.

Little Mason is becoming quite a ham. He absolutely adores his dad. Anytime Kenny is in the room...mason has to be right next to him.

He is enjoying playing catch and reading books.

below are some pics!!

Morning before his first day in the Toddler Room.

Big boy...

Friday, October 14, 2011


Pics from our Halloween Pumpkin Carving Gathering!

Carter is so excited to be a pirate! He likes having Mason as his Pirate Parrot assistant.

Kenny also felt the need to dress up....haha