Saturday, February 26, 2011

Feb Elmo Pics

Feb Elmo Pics!!

Little Guy 9 Month Stats:
Height: 10%
Weight: 40%
Head : 90%

love elmo!

pic w/mom

Here are some pictures from Dad and Boy time while Mom was in California...

hanging out
I am a happy boy!!
Mason is practicing standing
bath time!
Mason LOVES LOVES LOVES bathtime

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mason's first haircut

Random pics from the week! :)

Mason ready for school
our valentines supper...kenny made mickey mouse pancakes
Mason's first hairccut

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy 9 month Bday Mason

This weekend Kenny has guards in Bismarck so the boys and I are preparing for Valentines day.

Carter and I spent Friday evening selecting Mickey Mouse valentines for all his cousins and his friends. We are giving his friends in class 3d puppy ones w/play dough for school on Monday. They are having a valentine celebration on monday and get to wear Pajamas's to school. This evening we made chocolate covered pretzels with red and pink pretzels for his snack day.

Saturday we did some major shopping. Grandma Sandy helped carter pick out THREE new pairs of shoes...this was a big day (carter only has one pair that fits and they are starting to get holes). He picked out some tennis shoes, dressier shoes, and RED RAIN BOOTS! He was soo excited about the boots he had to wear them right out of the store.

Shane and Lisa were in town this weekend so we all got together for supper tonight and Shannon made Fondue for everyone. Carter was super excited to see Parker and the food was yummy.

Little Mason's 9 month bday was today. Mason is so close to crawling but just hasn't figured it out yet. He has 2 bottom teeth and we think more are coming. He is caring less about his bottles and more about real food.

This week is a busy one and then I go to California on friday for a Keller Williams Conference.

Enjoy the pics below!

Mason cuddling w/grandma after a long day of shopping
Modeling his new red boots

Showing off his Art work