We had a pool party on wed night for Carter's Bday! God was on our side because we had crappy weather tuesday and wed am...and then around 3:00pm it got sunny and hot!
We had about 13 little kids under 5 running around and they all had a blast. We went w/a CARS theme and the kiddos had a diving board jumping contest.
With Jess Gustin's help I made cupcakes for the event and everyone said they were tasty!
Carter was SOO excited to have his first school friend Brody attend and overall had a blast at the party.
Today we got to the Bison Game and then we will be heading to the Ranch tomorrow for Carter and Parker's Cowboy Theme Family Party!

Everyone is singing happy bday to me!!!

Blowing the candles!

Opening presents

Mason liked the new football

"Sharing" all his Bison stuff