Our little mason has transitioned to the Toddler room.
Where has the time gone???? His first day went great.
The biggest change has been that he has given up his Paci(cold turkey...not even at bedtime) and did a great job!
His Big Brother has had a harder time. We let Carter use a paci at bedtime only and when we decided that Mason was adjusting just fine w/out a paci...we decided to get rid of all paci's. Carter had a VERY rough few nights...but we are doing just fine now. So the paulus house is Paci Free.
Little Mason is becoming quite a ham. He absolutely adores his dad. Anytime Kenny is in the room...mason has to be right next to him.
He is enjoying playing catch and reading books.
below are some pics!!

Morning before his first day in the Toddler Room.

Big boy...