On friday everyone came over around 4:00 and we ate appetizers and the little kids open gifts. The grandkids got a dollhouse to keep at grandma and grandpas. Also all the kids got a pair of crocs. Carter got a red pair...he wont wair them for a few months..but they are adorable!
At 6:00 we had the Trolly bus come pick up the family and we went and looked at Xmas lights. We drove through Lindenwood park and around Fargo. We had a great time talking, looking at lights..and olivia even led us in some Xmas Caroling. We were lucky to have Ellie watch Kendall, Parker, and Carter at the house so they could get ready for bed
Once we got home we did the traditional meal..Crab Legs!! I really missed Kenny at this point..he always opened my legs for me!!haha Afterwards we opened gifts and relaxed. Was a great day.
On Xmas Eve we did some quick shopping and exchanging of things. Then Ellie and I went and saw the movie Seven Pounds with Will Smith. Very interesting movie..
That evening Pam and Fran came over and we had dinner. AFterwards i got a bug to start taking Xmas down(usually we do it xmas day morning) but i work better in the evening...so i started and all of a sudden i looked at the clock and it was 1:00 am!
Tommorow the Paulus Family is coming into town. I made lasagna...hopefully it will be good! Then on saturday Lacey and I are going to go look at dresses in the morning and then that afternoon is the Paulus Xmas!
We leave for IA on tuesday...we are anxious to get home!
danielle and carter

Xmas even start
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