So today carter woke up from his nap and was going to eat but then just started screaming..and screaming. Now for anyone that has spent time with Carter they know that he does not scream...barely spends any time crying. So Ellie and i tryed everything. I changed him, bicycled his legs, gas drops, etc. I thought of calling Shannon(she always has the best mom advice)..but realized that it had only been about 30-40 minutes so i was going to wait it out. He hadnt ate in about 6-7 hrs and knew I thought it may be the formula i added into the breastmilk..but i only put one oz so didnt think that was it. Well i was at the end of the rope when i realized that the bottle i was trying to feed him with...nothing was coming out! So i grabbed another bottle and he guzzled 70zs down. Morale of the story... little carter was just trying to tell me that he wasnt getting any milk..and i was too busy thinking he was coming down with something!haha
Chaulk it up to part of the journey of being a mom...

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