Carter has his checkup on friday. Here are the stats:
18lbz 12oz weight-- 25% percentile
17 7/8" head circumference-- 50% percentile
27 1/2" height-- 10-25% percentile. ***he is going to be a little squirt!!***
Appointment went great! No shots at this that is always good. She was suprised to hear that he has not been sick yet. We are going to move up to eating three food meals a day and slowly remove the formula. Its crazy to think in only a couple more months he will be drinking whole milk.
Today we got up early and hit some garage sales(yes we are that nerdy) We found some great 12-18 month clothes and a pair of cameo crocs. But the best purchase of all were a pair of red air jordan nike shoes for onlu $9 bucks! Now carter and Mom have matching Nike shoes!
This afternoon i packed, carter practiced crawling and playing with ace, and tonight we are going to bed early! Tommorow we have a open house from 12-2 and then Carter's buddies Max and Jady are coming over to play...of course their mom's are coming too!!
Here is a pic of Carter waiting for the doctor.

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