Little Mason will be one year old very soon....WHAT??? I swear just yesterday he was 6 months old!
Highlights for Mason
- Is a total Daddys Boy. Always wants to be around his dad. Says DaDa all the time
- Says MaMa..very rarely!haha
- Love to eat....everything!!
- Wears size 12-18 month clothes
- Loves crawling and following around his big brother
- Sleeps well 7:15 and he is out for the night
- enjoys opening and shutting doors and pulling things out of dressers
Our big boy Carter is full on potty training. He does #1 and #2 in the toilet and it is going very well.
Other highlights for CJ:
- Loves picking out his clothing...99% it needs to be Bison or Redwings
- Loves riding his bike
- Enjoys telling stories and talking!!
- Still loves Mickey and Woody(toy story)
- likes broccoli, chicken, cottage cheese
- Enjoys when its his snack day for school. This month Grandpa, Grandma, Shane, Mom, and Carter made little turkey/cheese bun sandwiches for his snack and he was SO excited to bring them

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