Monday, October 25, 2010


Carter has been learning about potty training at school and the differences between boys and girls. Sometimes he says Peanuts(because he doesn't know the difference between that and the actual word)

Convo during bath time:

Carter: Mommy..I have peanuts.
Danielle: Yes you do.
Carter: Mommy..mason has peanuts.
Danielle: Yes he does.
Carter: Mommy... Mason's are little.

Thought you would all enjoy that.

Below are some pics from Olivia's Birthday and on our way to the Bison game on Saturday. Carter learned that Bison Fans say "Move those Chains" after a first he really liked yelling that during the game.

Go Bison!
Mason and Grandma hanging out
Hugs!! Parker and Carter are best buddies
mason chillin out!!

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